Once I stepped into the school compound, I was like... er... where are those spideys? They are countable nouns upon my sight. Yet, feeling nervous about the whole event cos I've never been organising such a big event in my school life. Even though I'm just preparing the opening ceremony and the backdrop of the stage. I ain't gonna let mistakes step on
Some POYO malay students were just so disobedient. POYO la lebih skit, kalau boleh, jgnlah ko masuk High School Klang (HSK). Pgi studi ko orang pnye choice sekolah dan jgn ko orang pijak ke dalam STK. No-ob! (probably only malay that would understand the words above, I learned how to use malay Messaging Short Form thru'out school life in HSK = =")
There's also some guai lan chinese too. Acting cool, too cool for us to ORIENTATE. Eventually, few people doesn't show up in Orientation Week(OW). As one of the committee of Majlis Tingkatan Enam(MTE), I have the responsibility and heavy duty that was put on my shoulder to make sure the whole event is going smooth. SMOOTH... do you get what I meant? Imagine 250 juniors that tulan all of the committees and try expect them to follow your orders, isn't that EASY?? @@"
Not every junior are the bad ones, there are some good and obedient juniors too. Grateful to have them on the very first day... The opening ceremony is going well. Everything went in quite a satisfying way.
Next, committee YinYin brief about the Musuh Serang thing. What should juniors do when whistle is blown once, twice or trio. It's sort of punishment for the juniors when the situation is out of control for committees to handle. We called upon 2 juniors to show the example for the position of the punishment. 1 POYO malay and 1 dark complexion chinese( if not mistaken, he's name is Ping An jr) XD
Then, I brief about the signature book required for each and every junior. I knew, tomorrow, sure got somebody do my signature book either wrongly or cincai-cincai punye. Just wait and see...
I see many fancy fancy style in their costumes, I cant deny is very pretty, creative and nice, (good job, juniors!) but I remember I told juniors not to create costumes that is so extraordinary, rite? So, I let Kok Thai to speak about their costume. I saw costumes with angry faces, with spideys toys on his hat(o.O), and SOME1 KISS ME PLS.. wth = ="
After that, we ordered juniors to sit in group accordingly. The group arrangement is based on the risalah they got with different colours. We let them have their own groupo discussion about sorakan, slogans, knowing their group members and designs for their group flag with only white cloth and a stick provided. Each group will also have their own group fosters to guide them along.
That day ended with 1 super tiring game, Angkat Tangan. Everyone is asked to hold their hand and arms high and stay in that position until the songs were finished. 3songs for all juniors and 5 songs for the group leader. We, committees started to see the ice broke among the group members. Their cheered for their leader and together they stand as one! Go, juniors!
Statistics and Reports:
15 mins of rest for juniors, 0 secs of rest for committees.
I haven't loss any of my voice. YET.
Musuh serang-once.
Day 2:
Today is just a boring day for both juniors and committees. Ceramah, taklimat, ceramah, taklimat, NON-stop. Planned to go in Mdm Khor's Chemistry class but ended up couching in the Dewan Putra. Listening to about million words from all the penceramahs. Siao! While girls listen to a MALE penceramah talking bout female hygiene issues, boys are ordered to pay a short visit to the library. Briefings from Ketua Pengawas Pusat Sumber, Chua Chong Yong aka Ah Chua and En. Yusri. Watching over 250 spideys sitting in front of the stage, the feeling, is undescribable. Oh ya, Heng Chuan's nice nice specialty 'Mexican Wave Punishment' for juniors. Heng Chuan always the very good EMCEE, we called him, Malaysian version of Jackie Wu. He's humurous, and his speech can get everyone's attention. No doubt bout it! He called himself plastic as juniors didn't greet him when he put off his tag. He asked juniors, "kamu semue colour blind ke? kalau tidak, kenape bila jumpa senior yang merah tagnye tak ucap, jumpa tag biru komiti baru ucap?", juniors were speechless at the moment. Nice BOMB! About one hour before the bell rings and we have to let juniors go back to their home sweet home, committees helped me checked the signature books, I terus bring the tong sampah to the front, I saw many juniors stunned. Those who did it really badly, and without names, just use A4 paper as cover of the signature book, ended up meeting new friends in the tong sampah.
I asked juniors,
"Boleh tak kalau saya buangkan buku tandatangan yang tiada orang nak mengakunye sbg pemiliknye?"
Juniors replied softly,
I asked again, with a higher pitch and louder voice as the respond is so little,
"Boleh tak kalau saya buang ke dalam tong sampah?"
Juniors replied,
being a bad guy, rite? @@"
After that, Pemberian Nama Foster for the juniors. They indeed looked stunned, blur, wandering, curious, swt, and whatever facial expression that u could have imagine cos when they saw the name of fosters without such wide array of wording in front of them. Some with signs, with equations, with clan name, with stars and plus minus, chinese names that confuses B-A-N-A-N-A-Os (I mean chinese juniors that are english educated and don't know chinese words). Cute laa!
Heng Chuan also told juniors to bring senjata for the war declared-sesi tandatangan! in order to win the war, every juniors must prepare sweets, chocos and things to show out the KEIKHLASAN towards seniors when they are trying to get 80 signatures from seniors, 20 from teachers and 28 committees' signatures. Come ma babeh!
2 golden rules stated from Heng Chuan:
1. The seniors are always right
2. If the seniors happened to be wrong, refer to rule number 1.
Statistics and Reports:
10 mins of rest for juniors and again 0 secs for committees.
Voice loss-10%.
Musuh serang-once or twice.
Day 3:
The 3rd day of OW. Some briefings before the real time of it-sesi tandatangan! 28 committees managing the discipline of over 250 juniors along the way to the Form6 block, Block J. When I walked to the block, I myself stunned as well. Seeing all the monsterous seniors, Yiao Gui (hungry ghost) standing all over the stairs of the block and the gate of Block J. I know how juniors would feel and think as I experienced it myself too.
"Junior-junior sekalian, jumpa senior-senior, kena ucap ape?" committees asked juniors.
"Good Morning seniors (senior......)." Juniors greet in such a messy way.
"Sekali lagi, senior tak ade respond! Tak cukup ikhlas!"
"Selamat Pagi senior-senior!" they greet seniors louder and a bit more ikhlas laa. XD
"Senior-senior, puas hati tak?" committees asked seniors.
Seniors shood they head, and wave their hand, which means not satisfied.
"Junior-junior sekalian, senior-senior masih tidak puas hati dengan ucapan tadi, kamu semue kena lebih ikhlas lagi and lebih kuat lagi! Satu, Dua, Tiga!"
"Senior di atas, puas hati tak?? Kalau puas hati, ucap balik kepada junior-junior anda!"
That's the spirit that committees of MTE wanted! The spirit of High School Klang!
When everyone is so excited and eager to fight the war, Yin Yin aka Eng, as a discipline master blow her whistle. Haha... juniors are so helpless at the moment when things got so pekchek liao and they still need to do the position to prevent Musuh Serang! @@" At this time, committees told juniors the Do's and Dont's when entering to the Block J.
"Faham tak semue junior?" committee asked.
"FAHAM!" juniors replied. The whistle is blown again to release the juniors from the Musuh Serang. The gate is opened at last, but 2 rows of seniors standing along the entry point to do their duty as Pegawai Pengutip Cukai Gula-Gula! Then every junior rushed into the block, group by group, and run up and down all over the Block J, because they were fooled by seniors in the process of discovering their fosters. A very happy-heavenly moment for seniors and hell-like moment for juniors. Santa Claus is coming to town~ HoHoHo... When I helped some of the juniors to find their foster, give them hints where to find their fosters, I slowly proceed to my class-the peak of the whole Block J, 6A1! I walked into my class, and saw a junior with my foster name on her spidey costume.
She and her friend asked me,
"Committee, where is my foster?"
I pointed her friend and said,
"do you know the nurse is who? (Nurse is actually Committee Lee Lih Yann who went to Melacca to study nursing. Her bf is my classmate! XD) and you know why ur foster wanted a nurse so desporately?"
My junior's friend say she dunno. Then I hint her, is just few steps away from ur sight! eventually she found her foster. and my junior, still blur blur! Hahaha...
Then I asked her,
"you know wenzi (mosquito) is who?"
She shood her head. I was like... OMG, still got people dunno my nickname de... Sob. Then I pointed to a piece of paper that is pasted on the wall of my class and say,
"Do you see the name, Bangkia? It means mosquito in hokkien. and you see my name? What's my name?" I pekchek liao.
She looked into my name tag and interpret a bit... Lau Vern Tze, Lao WenZi, wenzi, mosquitos, bangkia.... then she sees the meaning behind everything. She smile and said,
"So, it's you la, committee?"
I nodded my head. Then I bring her to find signature of teachers, seniors and some committees. I sang song along with Sze Yee and pleased teacher finally. Hahaha... Especially Pn Thye. She said I sang better than my junior. = ="
The first time that I feel like I'm like a star with paparazzi all over, trying to get signature from me, the feeling is so horrible, I can't see my junior, what is presented in front of me, is just signature books, sweets and chocolates... Gosh... Luckily my junior very seng mok, she know how to get every senior signature when the seniors' junior is getting my signature. Hahaha.. Way to go, Sze Yee... I like to play with juniors, I asked them to greet me loudly in order to get my signature, in return, I shouted to them after they got my signature.
"Good morning, committee, can I have ur signature please?"
" I can't hear u, louder abit!"
then I sign his/her book.
"thank you, committee..."
"Har? What?? I can't hear u."
it's very enjoyable moment. XD
After the sesi tandatangan is over, we asked juniors to gather in the hall. No time to eat and rest for all of us. Except those with gastric. We don't want any people suffer from the gastric pain and faint. So we asked if there's any juniors who couldn't stand hunger and bring them to the canteen to fill their empty stomach. Then we have some ice-breaking game and group activities for the juniors. They discussed about their perfomance and the flag that they had designed.
Statistics and Reports:
O secs of resting for both juniors and committees.
Voice loss-50%
Musuh Serang-once
Juniors stayback for perfomance practise-until 5pm evening (rajinnya! nice one, juniors!)
Day 4:
When I step into HSK, immediately I saw 1 group, I forgot which group is that, practising their dance in front of the entrance of the Hall near the side gate of the school. I mean whole group! I looked at them, they were so concentrating until they didn't notice I'm there. Praise for them! And when I walked pass juniors, I noticed 1 thing, that is juniors started to greet us at their own will. They... changed, which really touched me. They have gone 1 step further and a step closer to maturity. I smiled at them. Then we started to prepare chairs and tables for the next event-registration for co-curicular clubs for juniors to join. After that, sesi tandatangan start again. I lead my junior and looked for teachers. Run up and down, here and there... OMG... Letihnya... hahaha.. Today, my style change, juniors that wanted my signature have to answer my questions correctly. For example,
I asked,
"your junior's junior's junior's foster's foster's foster's is who? (the answer is you yourself laa)
Many juniors just stared at me, confused and blur... Hahaha, gotcha!
I remember Heng Chuan told juniors,
"Hari ini hari keempat Minggu Orientasi, kami tak nak marah marah lagi junior-junior. Saya memang harap yang junior sudah boleh berdisiplin and berdikari. Boleh tak junior?"
"BOLEH!!" juniors replied.
"boleh tak?" He asked again.
"BOLEH!!!!" juniors replied second time.
"bagus!" He smiled.
"Sesi tandatangan tadi, seronok tak?"
"Saya tau semue sudah letih, saya letih juga, tapi di sini saya nak show satu benda. tunggu saya, ya..." He went back stage and took something out.
He showed to every junior what his junior gave him as a thankyou gift as her foster. A very nice piece of artwork from his junior, Ng Yi Mei. Then he reminded juniors to also prepare something not expensive but with sincerity, to show appreciation to fosters.
After school, many group stay back and practise for their perfomance. Some rehearse on the stage too. I quickly prepare for the closing ceremony things and gosh, at last finished it by 6pm. Some juniors stayback as late as us. Really I've got nothin to say. Just feel dat they all were so PIA!
Statistics and Reports:
0 mins of rest for juniors and seniors again.
voice loss-40%
juniors still stayback until 5pm.
Tiring day for me. Dehydrated.
Day 5:
The last day of OW. The final jam for the whole event. Every group has prepared themselves to perform on stage. Committees invited seniors to come down to the hall and together we all share the moment of closing ceremony of OW. It's indeed a sad day, but also relieve to see all the juniors has grown up. After the closing ceremony ended, we gave juniors a very last chance to get signature from MTE teachers and seniors to complete their signature books. Then slide show is put on as the memories flashed in front of us. The situation went higher and higher. After that, 15 mins of recess for juniors and seniors. After rejuvenated, everyone was ready for the perfomance!!! Every junior tried their very best to perform on stage. Booo's from seniors, cheers from juniors. There's interaction between seniors and juniors. It's a very fun day indeed. That day, ended fast. In just a blink of an eye, the final jam ended. Committees said sorry to juniors if there's any misunderstanding and harrasment without intention has been made. We stood in a looooong row like Dato and Datin and waited juniors to came forward to shake hands and say thank you. Thanks to all teachers and fellow committees that work together as a team! Sentiments touches everyone's bottom of their jumping heart. Then, many juniors take the opportunity to take photos with seniors, committees and friends to leave a wonderful memories... memories that couldn't be erased even by time. Juniors, Gambateh!!!
Statistics and Reports:
15 mins of rest for juniors and seniors, 0 secs for committees (we can be semi-god, no nid eat for 5 days)
voice loss-70%
p/s: juniors have grown up and matured in the sense of discipline, acting, communication skills, socialise skills and blabla..
pair meh pair? never see b4 ka?

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Allow me to type in chinese.
congrats n great job on completing OW 2009! ^^
hahaha... yeah ^^
a very statisfying job i've ever done since the prom nite last year.. @@"
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